This morning we took the bus to Vientiane, the capitol of Laos. The guide from our trek told us that it would be a good trip because the roads are nice and not curvy like the ones around Luang Prabang. I think he must have meant that the roads were nice and curvy, even more than the ones in Luang Prabang. We spent about eight hours driving through the mountains in Laos on the windiest road I have ever travelled on. I felt so nauseous, especially when the boy in front of us and the girl in back of us started throwing up. The roads didn’t seem to affect Sonja too much because she read the entire trip. At one point on our trip the bus was full, but several people got on and sat in the aisle on bags of rice and other random items. One man decided to sit right next to me. As we were driving, he started leaning closer and closer to me, and I found myself leaning closer and closer to Sonja. However, pretty soon I realized that he had strategically taken over my arm and head rest on my seat. It made the rest of the ride a little awkward, but I’m sure he needed after riding in the aisle for a few hours. During our drive, we would sporadically stop so the locals could by produce from farmers on the side of the road and relieve their bladders. At every stop, it seemed like 20 people dropped their pants and went to the bathroom. Sonja was a little concerned that she might have to join them at one of our stops, but she was able to hold out until we found a proper squatty potty to use. My favorite part of the trip was when the farmers shoved boiled eggs and fried bats on a stick through the bus window in an attempt to get us to purchase them. We were hungry, but not that hungry. We’re holding out for fried spiders in Cambodia anyway.


Amy said...

Wow Tonya. I find myself always looking forward to your posts. I've never read such an entertaining blog. You are crazy and amazing! Please come back in one piece. Love ya!

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