After a gross breakfast of cold, weird tasting eggs, our guesthouse helped us cross the river into Laos and to get our Visas. Then we headed for the speed boat that was taking us to Luang Prabang. I think the guesthouse description of the speed boat was perfect. However, they forgot to tell us how much space was on the speed boats. When a little boat pulled up to the dock, we didn’t think that it was for us. We didn’t see how it could possibly fit seven people and their luggage, but somehow we crammed ourselves into it. We sat with our knees at our chins and our small packs between our legs for the first portion of the trip. My feet were asleep, and I doubted my ability to ride in that position for six hours. I was so glad when the driver stopped to use the bathroom. We strapped our small packs to the front of the boat, which gave us a little more breathing room. The ride was beautiful, and I was only a little nervous when I saw lots of rocks poking out of the water and when the driver would lean forward and grab the steering mechanism with two hands. Honestly, I would definitely recommend the fast boat over the slow boat. The slow boat takes two full days to get to Luang Prabang, and although the scenery is beautiful, I think I would prefer to do the journey in six hours.


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